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UNESCO Associated Schools Project Network

Austrian project schools in the global Associated Schools Project Network (ASPnet)  
Photo: ©

UNESCO Associated Schools Project Network

learning to know, learning to do, learning to be, learning to live together

Learning to live together in a pluralistic world characterised by cultural diversity: this is the mission of the schools associated with UNESCO’s Associated Schools Project Network (ASPnet).

The UNESCO Associated Schools Project Network is a global network which currently encompasses more than 11,500 educational institutions (ranging from nursery schools and primary schools to secondary schools and teacher training institutions) in 182 countries worldwide. The network was first established by UNESCO in 1953. 98 Austrian schools are presently members of ASPnet.

UNESCO Associated Schools serve as a model for a specific educational principle. Learning is experienced as an activity-focused process. Schools pursue an interdisciplinary, intercultural approach to cooperation and embed a high degree of teamwork. They apply an integrative style of education that appreciates diversity as a key component in its pedagogy. Practicing democracy is a pre-eminent educational goal. UNESCO Associated Schools proactively commit to human rights, a culture of peace, and sustainable development. They are also active in their immediate environment by protecting natural and cultural heritage. UNESCO Associated Schools emphasise modern technologies as teaching tools and, at the same time, critically discuss the consequences of the rapid spread of technology through a teaching focus on media education.


Invite: Policy in Practice - Sustainable Futures for All: UNESCO Framework on Culture and Arts Education

  • 14. September 2024
  • MuseumsQuartier Wien (Barocke Suiten - A)

With the "UNESCO Framework for Culture and Arts Education", UNESCO Member States have created a pioneering framework for cultural education. The workshop organised by the Austrian Commission for UNESCO as part of the International Conference on the…