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  • About
    Commission for UNESCO
    UNESCO stands for United Nations Educational, Scientific
    and Cultural Organisation
  • Bildung
    Educational Programme of UNESCO
    „Everyone has the right to education" – so it says in Article 26 of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
  • Wissenschaft
    Scientific Programme of UNESCO
    Promotion of sustainable development – reducing the imbalance between developing and industrialized countries in access to research results
  • Kultur
    Cultural Programme of UNESCO
    Protection and promotion of cultural diversity, preservation of material and intangible cultural heritage, promotion of intercultural dialogue
  • Kommunikation
    Communication and
    Information Programme of UNESCO
    Forum for reflection and debate on social, cultural, ethical and legal consequences of information society


New publication: Immaterielles Kulturerbe im Dialog ("Intangible Cultural Heritage in Dialogue")

New publication: Immaterielles Kulturerbe im Dialog ("Intangible Cultural Heritage in Dialogue")

As a supplement to the 20th anniversary of the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH), the Department fo…

Appeal by ARGE Kulturelle Vielfalt

Appeal by ARGE Kulturelle Vielfalt

The Working Group on Cultural Diversity (ARGE) is the central dialogue platform of the Austrian Commission for UNESCO aiming at actively involving…

Invite: Policy in Practice - Sustainable Futures for All: UNESCO Framework on Culture and Arts Education

Invite: Policy in Practice - Sustainable Futures for All: UNESCO Framework on Culture and Arts Education

  • 14. September 2024
  • MuseumsQuartier Wien (Barocke Suiten - A)

With the "UNESCO Framework for Culture and Arts Education", UNESCO Member States have created a pioneering framework for cultural education. The…

Transformative education in an overall political context

Transformative education in an overall political context

The term transformative education (or transformative learning TL) has become increasingly significant for UNESCO in recent years (UNESCO 2021a)[1].…

Workshop "African Diaspora in Dialog" in images

Workshop "African Diaspora in Dialog" in images

On 20 November 2023, the Austrian Commission for UNESCO organised the event "African Diaspora in Dialogue: Challenges and Opportunities in the…

Austria Presentation of the UNESCO GEM-Report: "Technology in Education: A Tool On Whose Terms?"

Austria Presentation of the UNESCO GEM-Report: "Technology in Education: A Tool On Whose Terms?"

  • 23. November 2023
  • C3, Sensengasse 3, 1090 Vienna

Technologies play an essential role in achieving SDG4. Especially during the Covid 19 pandemic, the enormous potential, but also the limits and risks…