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der Österreichischen UNESCO-Kommission  
Foto: © Colourbox.de / Eduardo

Einladung: Policy in Practice - Sustainable Futures for All: UNESCO Framework on Culture and Arts Education


  • 14. September 2024
  • 09:00-10:15 Uhr
  • MuseumsQuartier Wien (Barocke Suiten - A)

Mit dem "UNESCO Framework for Culture and Arts Education" haben die UNESCO-Mitgliedsstaaten ein wegweisendes Rahmenwerk für Kulturelle Bildung geschaffen. Der Workshop der Österreichischen UNESCO-Kommission, im Rahmen der internationalen Konferenz "Inclusive Museum", zeigt wie Zugang, Inklusion und Teilhabe in und durch Kulturelle Bildung Realität werden können.

Mit Karalyn Monteil (UNESCO), Equalizent und dem Österreichischen Behindertenrat

Die Veranstaltung findet auf Englisch, mit Übersetzung in Österreichische Gebärdensprache (ÖGS) statt.

UNESCO’s Framework for Culture and Arts Education was adopted unanimously by UNESCO Member States at the World Conference on Culture and Arts Education in Abu Dhabi in February 2024. This global commitment to culture and arts education puts access, inclusion, and equity, including in the digital environment, center stage. The Framework is a critical tool for policymakers to create sustainable futures by anchoring a cultural dimension in all education contexts and settings. Museums - as intrinsically linked to place and societies – can strengthen education relevance and expand the possibilities for inclusivity by grounding a stronger connection between learners and their communities. The workshop will shed light on how UNESCO’s Framework can be implemented in practice.


  • Welcoming remarks by Kristina Mandl (Head of Art, Culture and Creativity in Schools | Austrian Ministry of Education, Science and Research)
  • Introduction of UNESCO’s Framework by Karalyn Monteil (UNESCO): insight into the policy document, its concrete goals, and proposed measures
  • Presentations of examples of good practice:
    • Presentation by Markus Simbeni (Equalizent): “Hands up - Experience Silence”
    • Presentation via Austrian Disability Council
      • Presentation by Susanne Buchner Sabathy (Austrian Federation of the Blind and Partially Sighted) and Jennie Schellenbacher: "Wien Museum"
      • Sigrid Kundela (Selbsthilfe Gruppe Schädel Hirn Trauma): "Kunsthistorisches Museum"

Moderated by Klara Koštal & Stephanie Godec (Austrian Commission for UNESCO)

Please register by September 12, 2024: REGISTRATION




Presse / Öffentlichkeitsarbeit

Tel.: +43 / 1 / 526 13 01
E-Mail: presse@unesco.at